Photo Works
Categories: #Photo Works #Photography #Photoshop
Client: Own Work
Location: Bonn, Germany
Date: March 2016
Despite its rather small size of only 320,000 inhabitants, the German city of Bonn has its own subway system with several underground stations. The reason therefore can surely be found in Bonn being the German capital from 1949 until 1999, when the government officially moved back to the reunified (and much, much larger) Berlin. The underground stations of the Stadtbahn were designed and built in first half the 1970s. The main architect in charge, Alexander Freiherr von Branca, made use of typical styles of 70s architecture and also of significant colors, applying different colorings to each station. When you want to board the train at Universität/Markt station after having a coffee downtown, you will have to stroll through endless seeming gangways colored in green. Passing along Juridicum, Bundesrechnungshof/Auswärtiges Amt, and Museum Koenig stations colors will change from green to blue to orange to brown, before you get off the train at Museumsmeile, completely covered in yellow surroundings. A fascinating and really unique ride not only through our color system, but also through time—as every single station looks and feels and smells like the past.